Betekenis van:
master of education
master of education
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- a master's degree in education
- Master craftsman sector (Mester/Meister/Maître), which represents education and training courses concerning skills not covered by Title III, Chapter II, of this Directive”:
- Master craftsman sector (Mester/Meister/Maître), which represents education and training courses concerning skills not covered by Title III, Chapter II, of this Directive.
- eight years of elementary education and two to three years of basic vocational secondary education and at least three years of professional experience certified by a degree of master in the particular profession followed by a course in pedagogy of a total duration of at least 150 hours;
- These courses have a total length of not less than 13 years, comprising nine years of compulsory education, followed by either at least three years of vocational training at a specialized school or at least three years of training in a firm and in parallel at a vocational training school (Berufsschule), both of which culminate in an examination, and are supplemented by successful completion of at least a one-year training course at a master school (Meisterschule), master classes (Meisterklassen), industrial master school (Werkmeisterschule) or a building craftsmen school (Bauhandwerkerschule).
- Information on the national higher education system:8.1 Types of Institutions and Institutional Control:8.2 Types of programmes and degrees awarded:8.3 Approval/Accreditation of Programmes and Degrees:8.4 Organisation Studies:8.4.1 Integrated ”Long” (one-Tier-) Programmes: (Diploma degrees, Magister Artium, Staatsprüfung):8.4.2 First/Second Degree Programmes (Two-tier): (Bakkalaureus/Bachelor - Magister /Master degrees):8.5 Specialised Graduate Studies:8.6 Doctorate:8.7 Grading Scheme:8.8 Access to Higher Education:8.9 National Sources of Information:
- which represents education and training of a total duration of 15 years, including six years' training followed within a structured training framework, divided into an apprenticeship of three years' duration and a three-year period of professional practice and training, culminating in an examination; master builder/planning and technical calculation (Planender Baumeister),
- Improving communication skills of health professionals in order to better address the needs of patients, taking into consideration gender, age and other socioeconomic and cultural variables: establish a mapping of communication training given to health professionals with the aim of including communication in public health education programmes, and possibly setting up a programme leading to master study.