Betekenis van:
master of education

master of education
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a master's degree in education




    1. Master craftsman sector (Mester/Meister/Maître), which represents education and training courses concerning skills not covered by Title III, Chapter II, of this Directive”:
    2. Master craftsman sector (Mester/Meister/Maître), which represents education and training courses concerning skills not covered by Title III, Chapter II, of this Directive.
    3. eight years of elementary education and two to three years of basic vocational secondary education and at least three years of professional experience certified by a degree of master in the particular profession followed by a course in pedagogy of a total duration of at least 150 hours;
    4. These courses have a total length of not less than 13 years, comprising nine years of compulsory education, followed by either at least three years of vocational training at a specialized school or at least three years of training in a firm and in parallel at a vocational training school (Berufsschule), both of which culminate in an examination, and are supplemented by successful completion of at least a one-year training course at a master school (Meisterschule), master classes (Meisterklassen), industrial master school (Werkmeisterschule) or a building craftsmen school (Bauhandwerkerschule).
    5. Information on the national higher education system:8.1 Types of Institutions and Institutional Control:8.2 Types of programmes and degrees awarded:8.3 Approval/Accreditation of Programmes and Degrees:8.4 Organisation Studies:8.4.1 Integrated ”Long” (one-Tier-) Programmes: (Diploma degrees, Magister Artium, Staatsprüfung):8.4.2 First/Second Degree Programmes (Two-tier): (Bakkalaureus/Bachelor - Magister /Master degrees):8.5 Specialised Graduate Studies:8.6 Doctorate:8.7 Grading Scheme:8.8 Access to Higher Education:8.9 National Sources of Information:
    6. which represents education and training of a total duration of 15 years, including six years' training followed within a structured training framework, divided into an apprenticeship of three years' duration and a three-year period of professional practice and training, culminating in an examination; master builder/planning and technical calculation (Planender Baumeister),
    7. Improving communication skills of health professionals in order to better address the needs of patients, taking into consideration gender, age and other socioeconomic and cultural variables: establish a mapping of communication training given to health professionals with the aim of including communication in public health education programmes, and possibly setting up a programme leading to master study.